Disrespectful husband

I feel like my husband does not respect me at all. This has been an issue for a long time. No matter what I say he just doesn't get it. Recently I told him he needs to hold off from getting drunk for here on out since we are expecting twins and could go into labor early. I'm not saying he can't drink, just don't get drunk. So of course he and his friends take this opportunity to make a bunch of jokes about it. I told him this hurt my feelings because he is being disrespectful and he just disagrees with me and says I'm being ridiculous. I feel like anytime o share how I feel I always get the sw response. They are my feelings, if you hurt someone's feelings, whether on accident or on purpose, shouldn't you respect them and say sorry and change your behavior. We've been arrows for 10 years and I'm so depressed because this issue isn't changing and I don't know what to do.