Need help/advice!

Tay • Hi my name is tay I have been engaged for 3 months and ttc baby #1 for two months now. We got pregnant back in november but lost it. We are now trying again for a miracle to happen.
So I have been having chronic headaches/migraine the last 3 months. And I have tried almost everything like drinking more water, I got a humidifier I even got a neil med nose rinser which is what my doctor suggested to do, ive tried excedrin iburprofen,rubbing my head, allergy pills. yet they still keep coming back throughout the day. If im lucky on a good day I only get two really bad headaches. I also had to go get glasses since my bad vision was what made them even worse and I didnt know I need glasses but im still having these miserable headaches. I just really want them to go away for good its effecting my everyday life and the things im able to do. I was wondering if anyone else has had these same struggles and what has worked for them. I would love to know some suggestions. If I had alot of money I would get acupuncture but I dont and obviously my doctors suggestions made it worse when I tried them it sucks! Any advice ladies:'(