Dear Trying To Conceive,

Devon • My name is Devon, my husband & I got married in Hawaii in February, & we just found out 3/17 we conceived Baby #2!!

This is month #2 for us TTC baby #2. I was floored last month when we didn't conceive. I thought it would be a shot in the dark for us. Pregnant on the first month, of course, no question. How could there be? We've had a baby before, we're both healthy, my husband is 5 years younger than me, we make love almost everyday, Yada Yada Yada..

Well, this month we have done everything right, too, and we are officially on our two week wait. We used preseed this month, OPK'S (positive on the 5th and made love like crazy for days) and I have been taking prenatal vitamins and trying to keep my stress low. I would expect a positive this month, and I honestly do, except for this..

You can't perfect baby making. You can't do it perfectly and make it happen. Sometimes you do all you can do and it still doesn't pan out. And sometimes you use all the precaution in the world and get pregnant when you are not trying to. I've thought alot about this since my period came last month and going through the baby making journey again this month with my husband.

Your egg only lives 12-24 hours. Now that's a short life span and narrow window. Male sperm can live in the female body for 5 days but they have to make it to the egg and that's a battle zone. The environment must be right. The cervical fluid. The timing. And maybe a little dash of miracle in there somewhere when you think that billions of sperm are swimming towards the egg and still you get your period after your best shot.

The journey is emotional. 2nd month in now.. and I feel differently than I did last month. I have no control. Neither do you. Neither does any of us. It happens when it does and when it will in its own time and theres no planning, charting, temp taking or love making schedule that can change that.

And that's an unnerving and yet beautiful thing at the same time,

Baby Dust To You All,

Devon -