It's CD 2 and I don't see any signs of af. I don't want to get my hopes up. Especially because my nausea comes and goes, along with my appetite. My sense of smell has increased. I could smell a dirty diapers before my friend who has a baby did, and I smell the oil in the fryer really strongly when my husband doesn't. My breast are tender and then my nipples hurt and feel like they're on fire when I lay on them, but that too comes and goes. My lower abdomen it hard but the amount of hardness there varies with the day. Did anyone else experience this while being pregnant? I just need advice. I took a pregnancy test this past Monday at the doctors and last Saturday at home and the were both BFN. I was so disappointed. Is there a "perfect" time to take one? I'm on this ovia pregnancy and <a href="">fertility tracker</a> as well and they told me to take a pregnancy test last Saturday. Also when tracking your conceive date do you go by the first day of your last period or last day? I'm so lost. Someone please help me.