
Jordan • Hi Everyone, I am a mom of two wonderful little boys Maximus & Krue. I am married to the love of my life.❤
So I am 27w tomorrow and I have been having the WORST anxiety possible this pregnancy. I decided not to go on any medication until I was done being pregnant. My doctor and I discussed the outcomes of being on medication which weren't all that bad but I just didn't want to do that even with small risks. So my anxiety is about my healthy. I worry constantly about heart attacks and I avoid things that make my heart race. So the other day a coworker had to tell me that gaining weight while pregnant is hard on the heart. I do not know why she had to say it to me of all people. My question is would my doctor know if something was wrong with my heart. Like if I had heart disease. I woke up the other night with anxiety so bad that I wouldn't go back to bed till 2:30. I have a one year old at home and I have to be up by 4:45am and I start work at 7am and I work at a coal mine. I am wondering if jusy being over tired is causing all my stress and anxiety. I am sorry for such a long post but I feel so upset I don't know why I am like this I wish I could make it go away. Plus a girl I know passed away Thursday at 24 years old from cardiac arrest. So I haven't stopped worrying.