Slept through the the night!

Nyleve • Mama to 4 & 5 y/o boys and a Newborn Baby Girl 💙💙💕
I never thought I'd see the day where my baby would "sleep through the night." I feel I've done "everything" I can to help him sleep long; from buying $40 "Magic Sleepsuits," to crib soothers, and vibrating plush animals. Well at 13 weeks old, it finally happened! Prior to last night, he'd sleep about 4 (7-11 or 8-12) hours in his crib in his nursery during his first round of sleep but after that it varied from ever 1-2 hours. Since I wouldn't go to bed until about 10, I was getting no more than 2 hrs of sleep at a time. Last night, however, my son slept from 8:30-3:50, I changed his diaper and fed him, then he went back to sleep from 4:20-7:30!!! You guys may or may not understand how blissful I feel right now! I know it won't be like this every night, but for now, I'm celebrating!