He's perfect

Christina • CJ made his appearance finally on July 3rd 1:51am beautiful and healthy
Had our glucose test done today wasn't as bad as I thought that juice however gave me the most God awful heartburn and made me sleepy. It was nice not having to sit in a waiting room for an hour they have a room with two of the most comfortable recliners and tv to relax while you wait. The nurse who drew my blood basically stabbed me with the needle I have the most amazing vein in my left arm that you can't miss and I'm always told would be great for teaching it hurts and I'm pretty much bruised now. After that ordeal I have a regular baby appt my son is perfect measures in target has a strong heart beat next month is my last once a month appt then I'm every two weeks this pregnancy has gone by so fast I can't wait til June I get to meet my precious baby boy 💚💚👶🏻