Plz encourage by sharing ur experience

Amy • Mom to a sweet baby girl, our rainbow!!
We are in ttc for baby #1 at my age being 28.. I had a miscarriage last sept and since been trying for our rainbow baby.. I have quiet regular periods, but was recently diagonised with high thyroid.. My obg put me  under harmone replacement pills and after few weeks thyroid levels came to normal.. But again I was detected with high prolactin.. Now I am taking drugs for both thyroid and prolactin.. My concern is that if I conceive, will my thyroid and prolactin abnormality affect my pregnancy or my baby's growth? I am worried to death about this... Has anyone of u have had normal pregnancies and normal birth even with high thyroid..?
Please if anyone can relate with my problem, plz advice and support me.. Desperately waiting for any reply..🙏🙏