Safe Haven laws


I've been fumbling around google today over Safe haven laws, which basically mean that someone surrendering a unharmed child somewhere safe (like a hospital) is free to go without penalty. This law is there to prevent children from being left somewhere worse. There are plenty of children that have been left in alleys, dumpsters, abandoned buildings, "sold" etc.. It happens all the time. Still, some people appear to think there's just too many loop holes that allow anyone to forfeit a child "just because" or they just think these laws shouldn't exsist period. Which they aren't active everywhere, and some places do have some rules surrounding them.

We need something new to debate over. How do you feel about Safe Haven laws? I personally think they have a purpose. After all, we do live in a world where sex-ed is some times limited, BC isn't always free nor is abortion services.

If anyone has info to add, go for it. Like I said I've only been fumbling with it for a little while. We sure to include the area you speak for. Hope you guys are doing well today 🌼

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