Time to start TTC

Well, today the wife and I went and got almost everything for trying to conceive, the ovulation tests, evening primrose oil, prenatals, Robutussin, Vitex chasteberry, got men's multi one a day vitamin for our donor and, speaking of our donor we decided to go with artificial insemination after much research and taking much consideration from lots of advice. Because we were going to go natural with our donor but we changed our mind, especially after much research and seeing so many success stories of lots of you doing it that way, with artificial insemination. Newho, we also got softcups, small needless syringes, and just ordered our preseed as well. Hopefully as soon as I found out I'm ovulating we will be able to start inseminating asap. Please send lots of luck && baby dusts our way!!! Also, just have a question.. I kinda need in detail how my wife is going to locate my cervix, we're so confused with that and are a lil confused when it comes to that. Any advice and tips would be greatly appreciated and thank you all so much in advance. Btw, this is our first time TTC for baby #1. And also, I would absolutely appreciate and love any kind of tips and advice from others that have ttc with artifical insemination and please don't leave out any details, we need every kind of advice, tips, and would also love to hear any success stories!! Again, thanks again! Hope to hear from any of you asap!😆😊💙💖🍼