Mirena IUD

serena • "I am a eccentric mother & wife that is focused on leaving a legacy that proceeds my mortality"
I am 28 and I have had my IUD for 3 years.
When I first got it I did not have a period for three months and the then had one for the next two months and it was very light- spotty and for two days during each of those two months. Now years past and all of a sudden for the past year I have gotten a spotty pink period for three days max every month on or about the 19th day of each month. I have also had very bad cramps the day before. I have gained weight and I also found out I have hypothyroidism while in mirena. I am with out insurance and I fear because I am off my thyroid meds and my IUD is almost at its last year it has really messed with my memory, my hair, my acne and my weight. I want to have a baby next year and I was curious if anyone has these issues and did they change after you took out the mirena and also was pregnancy difficult after the mirena IUD . Thanks in advance for any advice or stories