Should I take a test?

So my boyfriend and I didn't have sex but I gave him a Gandhinagar and he came.. I waited a few minutes before I counting rd to touch myself.. My periods supposed to come today and it's not here yet (it usually starts around lunch) Should I wait another day then start to worry or no.. 

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Posted at
You counted before you touched yourself?? Why? Sperm doesn't die after counting lol and it doesn't die in air 


Kaylee • Mar 11, 2016
It was a typo


Ashton💁🏻 • Mar 11, 2016
But still wouldn't make a difference waiting a few minute


K • Mar 11, 2016
She meant continue.


Posted at
What in the world is Gandhinagar and no sperm does not just die from making contact in the air unless it's like a pretty decent amount of time (not exactly sure but hours to days ??? But definitely not a few minutes or seconds)