Wanna learn

🐱🐾kays mama 🐱🐾 • Take me or leave me accept me or walk away love me or hate me but don't make me feel less if a person if i don't fit your idea of who i should be i am me and love me as i am

Hello all I'm trying to learn about the craft it's very interesting to me and I feel like its me. I had a friend that was wiccan and I joined her coven but we had a fight and are no longer friends and I'm no longer a part of the group any more I still wanna learn and I don't know how or were to Evan start they really didn't do or talk about the craft in the coven I was in I feel like I'm a healer with animals I connect with them very easily and they seem to be drawn to me . I really wanna learn and wanna know how I can get started so if any one can help or lead me in the right direction it would really help

Blessed be