Not sure where to post.. 😕

Okay, so For months now.. since before i found out i was pregnant... Everytime i eat something fried i get really really bad pains in my stomach going to my back and all in my rib area. . I assumed it was cuz i was pregnant and baby just didnt like it when i found out i was pregnant but now someone told me it could be my gall bladder. And i remember awhile ago i had a CT scan and in the report on my mychart online it said my gall bladder was enlarged but obviously not enough for concern since it was mever mentioned to me from the doctor.. Could the doctor even do anything now to see if its my Gall bladder causing the pain? I mean the pain is bad it wakes me up at night and ill cry.. i barely ever eat fried foods its only been a couple of times.. Has anyone had any problems with their Gall bladder while pregnant?? I am going to mention it to the doctor but i feel they xant do anytbing for it now anyways since i am pregnant... 😯