Feeling down. Bfn

Alisha • Husband and I have been married for 5years, together for 7 We have 3 fur-babies and are looking to expand.
I tested today 4 days early with a cheapie test because I've been having cramps and wanted to pre take my midol if I needed too ( I usually take it when they start so it's in my system before - I didn't on my last cycle (v-day) and I spent all day in the hot tub :( ) 
Anyway got a bfn and expected....
And I'm
Heart broken and angry. 
Long long story short .
I set up my whole week work to be stress free - and my bosses did some stuff against company policy mind you that absolutely screwed me
Over and Thursday and all day Friday I had to work on my day off and I was more stressed then ever - that's also when the cramps started so I wonder if I lost what I might have had...
In just furious. 
My best friend who is ttc for baby no 2 today also said " I'm waiting till summer to take out my iud because I know we'll get pregnant right after " 
Why is it easy for some women but so hard for the rest of us. I feel
So broken.