10 DPO..

Went to the emergency room last night because I couldn't stop throwing up and have you know..and couldn't even keep water down! I kept feeling hungry, but everything made me nauseous. I had a pregnancy test done-- negative :( (hope there is still a chance) I had a bunch of blood tests and iv and had some zohfran to help with nausea. They came back and told me that my white cell count was 15,800 and it's suppose to be between 4,000-10,000...my body is fighting off an infection, but they didn't say what... I have to follow up with my doctor on Monday. They did mention my gallbladder...they said blood test came back find, but could still have gallstones. Hope they find out...very disappointed in the negative PT. Hope I still have time for my BFP. I feel like crap: (