Implatation bleeding or AF?

Hey ladies! I have been having brown spotting for 4 days now. Glow says my period is due on the 15th and Ovia says its not due til the 21st. I only spotted once the first day (creamy & brown), then a little heavier the next day twice (mucusy and still brown) and yesterday and today just a few times but it is very faint (still brown with a hint of pink when I wipe). Im having mild cramps & pelvic pain. What is going on? I want to say implantation because my periods are usually pretty heavy, obviously red and I only spot the day after never before. But then again I don't want to get my hopes up... But I'm driving myself crazy over here haha I'm trying to hold off to test til after Ovia says my period would be so I'm hoping to wait til Easter. Has anyone else had this happen?