Sad :(

We aren't TTC actively, but we both want a baby. However, it seems like I have the baby bug, so it sucks lol. My baby oven is aching.

My partner has delayed ejaculation meaning that he's never come through sex. Without sperm there's obviously no chance of a baby.

Well, we've had a lot of sex over the weekend. On Saturday late morning/noon I got a positive opk (I take them to keep track of everything). We had sex that night, and instead of taking care of himself and coming on me, he came inside me.

I was happy, but now I'm sad because I know the chances of conceiving from one single act is slim to none even on the most ideal day. We were going to have sex last night, but he decided he was too tired (grr).

I also wonder because although he came inside of me, and he claims it was a lot, most/all came out when he did. I know that's normal, but I have 3 other kids. I know when you have sex some comes out, but from my experience, when you go pee, even more comes out. Well, nothing else came out, so I doubt he got it far enough up there.

I guess we will find out in a couple weeks, but it is making me really want to seriously TTC. I'm 31 this year and he's 34.

Sorry for the pity party. Thanks for reading.