The birth adventure of Kiyah Adalyn

Honesty • Engaged with our miracle daughter after being told I could not get pregnant.

My fiance's mom didn't make it to our baby shower, so she decided to throw another shower with some of his family who didn't get to make it. Near the end of the party I started having some mild contractions. Around 7 pm they became strong and got stronger and more consistent throughout the night. At 9 in the morning we went to the hospital. They told me I was in pre labor, but I wasn't progressing well on my own. They suggested I came back that night to be induced.

At 11 pm they started me on pitocin. My fiance and mom stayed in the room with me while I tried to labor it out. I was 2 cm dilated when we got started. Hours later I had only progressed to a 4 so they broke my water and had me try sitting on a birthing ball. I still wasn't dilating anymore so they suggested an epidural to help me relax my muscles and let the baby drop further. I went in hoping to avoid one, but I decided to try it anyway. After getting it I was finally able to get some much needed rest. They checked me again a few hours later and I had still only dilated to a 5.

Around 11 am they checked my dilation again and the nurse said 'wow, the baby is right there!' And called for the delivery table. We did some practice pushes while we waited on the midwife. The midwife got there and we started actually pushing while my fiance and mom held my legs. In less than 20 minutes my beautiful daughter was born at 11:47 am. She had the cord wrapped around her 3 times, but she was perfectly healthy when she came out. I didn't even tear at all! I'm so glad I had an epidural, it made my delivery very easy and enjoyable for me. My fiance cut the cord while she rested on my chest.

She was 9 days late. Kiyah was 5 pounds, 15 ounces and 19 and a half inches long.