Not sure if its real..


The top test is from Saturday. I posted it and everyone basically said they saw nothing even though i feel i see something. I figured ok i want this sooo bad im imagining it. AF was due yesterday and didnt come. So this morning i took another test. Its the bottom one. I swear i still see something but i don't want to imagine this too. Please tell me someone sees this!!

*UPDATE * To be clear, AF was due yesterday and didnt come. Thats why i retested after many said the first test was negative. Today was still a no show for af so goin on 2 days with faint positive/evap line that DID get darker than the first test taken 2 days prior. Will retest in a few days if af still does not show. Thanks for all the positive responses. Baby dust👶👶 to all and fingers crossed for me. 💞