PCOS misdiagnoses?

Claudia • Wife, Mom to baby Roman born 02.18.18💙
Can you be misdiagnosed with PCOS?  My obgyn said I had PCOS and he also said its hereditary.  My family has had no issues getting pregnant (mom and dads side) and we have no history of PCOS in the family.  I was on seasonqiue and ending up getting it off of it because liquid then huge hand sized chicken skin like stuff came out along with some fluid, then blood. Months went by of normal periods until last April (I was graduating, so I stressed as well) as well, I was drinking a lot of soy and I found out it screws up hormones when you have an excessive amount.  I had only 2 periods in a 6 month span which was very heavy and I fainted a couple of times,hair growth, acne, anxiety and depression.  Now I'm on anti depressants and birth control again. Please help me at least try to figure this out! Thanks