Failure rant.

SOOOOOOO sick of all this crap! I had several different pregnancy symptoms for weeks: acid reflux daily, mild cramping way pre menstrual, sensitive smelling, my weight and hormones are out of whack, breaking out like a teenager, and just feeling strange. I get my period a couple days late and its brownish blood (again). The last three (my only three) periods since being off depo have been short brownish and light. I don't even have to use tampons all day light. How the hell are you supposed to know what's going on?!? I had sex several times during my window and had egg whitey cervical mucus one day, the rest it was watery. I can't tell cervical position very well bc I have a tilted uterus and short fingers so it's hard to reach and I'm also not used to checking, on top of my body is so jacked up from the depo - who knows what's normal... My last shot was last year in March. I had my first period since before my daughter was conceived 3 months ago (she's 3 in June). I know I'm not as bad off as some other women with the wait time and miscarriages and such, but this is so frustrating!! I don't know if I can go through the disappointment every month for god knows how long. I want another child so badly and I'm scared that it will take so long that my children will be so far apart in age, they won't want to hang out and have a special relationship and similar interests. Is anyone going through similar stuff? It would be nice to hear that I'm not alone. Also EVERYONE around me is getting pregnant! My best friend is just over 21 weeks and we were supposed to get pregnant together. My sister is 14 weeks. My other friend got pregnant accidentally (UGH!) but then miscarried. And several friends and cousins have announce online over the last few months. I just scream into a pillow every time someone does. FUCK BIRTH CONTROL!!! Never going back.