It's considered rape if..

I have noticed today there as been a lot of people asking if situations are considered as rape so i thought id make a list for anyone who is unsure.

If you say no but the person still continues to do so.

If you ask the person to stop but they don't. As soon as you take away consent if the person does not stop it then becomes rape.

If you felt pressured into it. If you make it clear you do not want to do anything with them but they pressure you into it.

If you are under the influence of any substance you are classified as not being able to give consent.

If you are a minor you aren't legally at an age to give consent. Even if you say yes in some places parents or police can press charges on your behalf even if you were ok with it.

If you are physically forced.

Rape does not necessarily mean violent. And it can happen in relationships. Both men and women can be put in the situation. If you have been through any of this and need to speak to someone please seek help. Most places do have centers against sexual assault with trained staff there to help. Its ok to say no. And its ok to say stop.

If i have left any out please list below. I hope this helps someone now or in future.