We are not able to adopt

I see people on here that say if you cant have a baby of your own then you could always foster or adopt. I wouldnt mind it after 11yrs of trying for a baby of our own but we are not able to.

Not only do we not have the money, but my husband is a convicted felon. Yes, it was 15yrs ago, but a felon all the same. I spoke with an attorney about the possibility of being able to take either route and I was told that, because of his record, we would not be legally allowed to.

Has anyone else heard of this? Anyone else have this problem?

I feel so alone in it because I want my own child but would be willing to give a child that wasnt wanted by someone else a loving home as my own.. I just feel that everything in the universe is working against us..

Im sorry, Im just very discouraged and depressed at this point and need a little empathy seeing as how, God bless his heart, but my husband has none.