God is able!

November 10, 2015 I found out I was pregnant and my Husband and I was so excited! Enjoyed our doctor visits and telling our family during Christmas. Shortly after, January 16, 2016 I suffered from a miscarriage. Couldn't understand why and was just devastated. Soon after that my doctor explained that we could try again. Unfortunately, I took another test and wasn't pregnant my husband was sad and didn't think it would happen for us. All of our friends seemed to be pregnant oddly enough. Well today March 18, 2016 at 7a I found out that I'm pregnant!! Some ppl are afraid and don't want to so say anything after a former miscarriage but I celebrate this day. For I know God never left me and my husband and I'm grateful to know that he's able! Praying I have a healthy full term pregancy! Ladies keep pushing and don't give up! God is in the blessing business!! 
Dani 💋