Wicked dreams

My dreams are so cool that I want to talk about them. My dreams go into detail and have story lines and characters. I don't have really cool dreams every night but some nights I get blessed with some badassness. 
Last night I dreamed that my mom bought some land on a mountain that had a cabin on it, it was literally built into the mountain and I decided to explore. I found a hut that was actually really nice but you had to climb to get to it. A really tall climb I might add. It was hidden up above the cabin in trees and vines and it was gorgeous. It had a living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. There was a window in the bedroom that had a really cool view and I was like pfft forget that cabin I'm sleeping here. Bad idea of course. there was something evil in the hut and it would try to scare you away first but the longer you stayed there the more you put yourself at risk. I ended up falling out of the hut and onto the roof of the cabin and really hurting myself bad because I woke up to a nose bleed and all the lights in the hut went out and then the hut started shaking and something climbed out of the bedroom that was tall and had 3 heads, okay so fuck that It scared me so bad I didn't bother climbing down I just fell. For some reason my mom and family had left the cabin so I was completely alone, I doctored myself and then went back to the hut. I wanted the hut for myself and I wanted whatever was in it to get that so I went back and I had fallen asleep again.. (Ballsy right but it's a dream so whatever) and I had a dream that I was in a black truck and rolling down the mountain and my head was slamming the steering wheel and window over and over again until the window was busted out and my head was crushed in and I wanted to die so bad and I just wouldn't die, my head just kept hitting the wheel. I felt every part of that accident even the first roll, the complete and utter fear of the truck slowly starting to roll everything. I felt the fear of knowing that I was alone and nobody would find me or be able to help for days. ( i know, a dream in a dream-dreamception) and I felt the rush of warm blood cover my face and I could feel my head literally pulsing. I woke up again to a nose bleed in my dream. THEN I HAD TO WAKE UP FOR WORK. SO I GUESS ILL TRY AND FINISH IT TONIGHT. I thought about it all day and usually when I can keep a dream in my head I can finish it when I go back to sleep, SO HOPEFULLY I CAN FINISH THIS DREAM. It was way too interesting.