Stopping breastfeeding

From day 1 we have struggled with breastfeeding. A few days after being born my girl had lost SO much weight and they were going to hospitalize her but instead, decided to let us try supplementing with formula. So we did and she has now gained about a pound and a half in less than 2 weeks. I have still been trying to breastfeed but we are still struggling with it. I've been to a lactation consultant. I am on a breastfeeding group on Facebook to get advice but ALL I ever hear is "let her feed as frequently and as long as she wants to" which seems to be 24-7. That's so frustrating when you can't pee or eat or shower or do anything for yourself because you have a baby attached to your boob all day long. So I thought I would just pump and feed through a bottle so my husband can help. But I'm not producing a lot through pumping so I'm still having to do more formula than breast milk. When i ask for advise (on the Facebook group, the pediatrician, the lactation consultant) all everyone says is that in order to build by supply, I need to nurse her, then pump, and then give her formula if she's still hungry. But geez, I'm suppose to let her nurse for 70 minutes and then pump for 20 minutes and still then sit and feed her with a bottle. That's still taking up every minute of my day. Im so exhausted and so frustrated and so sick of breastfeeding. I just want to quit and do just formula but I feel so quilty about giving up. I want what's best for my girl. And formula is SO expensive. I just don't know what to do