I'm never coming back to the ER! What are some home remedies to prevent/ stop bleeding?


I am 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant with twins. I've been at the emergency room for nearly 6 hours and have yet to be seen. Two days ago I had some bright red bleeding that freaked me out. I was enough to soak one pad pretty quickly. I went to the ER and my pregnancy test came back positive and my blood work was normal.

I was prescribed an ultra sound yesterday where I found out I was pregnant with twins. Every since the ultrasound (transvaginal) I've been having brownish-reddish bleeding that would sometimes soak through a pad. I've seen dime sized clots in the toilet too. I'm a nervous reck and almost had a panic attack earlier until I controlled my breathing.

I don't plan on ever coming back to the ER for this pregnancy. I've been waiting and bleeding and clotting for hours here. But it seems they don't take it as seriously because I'm early.

This is my first pregnancy. Any advice?

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Posted at
I'm sorry you have been waiting for so longer. They are probably busy with emergencies. It's not that they aren't taking you seriously but honestly at that stage there isn't much they can do for you.


Posted at
Make them care!!! You do whatever you need to do to make sure your babies are safe! I'm serious! Yell at nurses, make a scene. They need to give you answers.


Posted at
Try a different ER if possible. I went to the ER when I was very early in my pregnancy and they all teased me a little about how L&D was for mommies about to have babies and I had just got mine inside of me BUT they saw me right away, I didn't even go to the waiting room and they kept me there and gave me around the clock care until everything was better. 


Posted at
Sorry praying for you


Posted at
Are you soaking through a large, granny-like pad or a panty liner? If you are soaking a granny pad in 1 hour tell them that. They will take that very seriously. 


Cora • Mar 20, 2016
I'm not anymore but I did a few hours ago. They said my blood pressure is the same so the bleeding can't be that bad and sent me back to the waiting room.