Emergency room again?!?!

DM❣️ • 👶🏼👶🏼👧🏻👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
My baby has been having fever & threw up once Friday Morning. He is 7 months old, i gave him Motrin, it helped him for couple of hours. Friday night at 11pm i gave him again before going to bed, i woke up at 3am feeling him with fever again. I gave it till 4 am to check his temperature & when I checked it was 108.5. So i decided to take him to Emergencies. They gave him Motrin again. After him being check his bladder and ears, they gave him tylenol to keep getting his temperature down. At 8:30am i went home. After that like at 4pm he had fever again, i gave him motrin like the nurses said. Then he started crying non-stop and i gave him motrin at 9:00pm again. It was 1am when he got fever again!! It was 104.6, ididnt know what to do since the nurses said to gave it until Tuesday to see if he still with fever and if he was then they said to not take him to emergencies but to his pediatric... I gave him a warm shower and decided to do some home remedies. Right now is 2:30am and i keep checking his temperature. But if he has high fever again idk what should i do. The only thing they do at the hospital is giving him medecine 💔. Yes it does help but just for a couple of hours. Idont really know what should i do. Im heartbroken because i dont like seeing my baby like this 😓. Sorry for this long paragraph but im desperate . Im scared for something bad to happend to him 😔..