
Does anyone else feel so deeply depressed they feel numb 
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I feel this way all the time. After trying to conceive for 12 years with no luck absolutely sucks....Whatevers causing u to feel that way i hope god delivers u from it.


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I feel numb, apathetic, unhappy, irritable... But for no reason!! No one has died, I have a beautiful family and tons to be grateful for but just can't shake this nagging feeling. It suck! We should be happy and excited and feel blessed we are bringing a new little lives into the world and yet that yucky feeling remains... I'll for sure be going on antidepressants after I have this baby. 


Posted at
Yes, after my father passed away I felt like this. Last year was a nightmare. It's a defense of the mind, when you are in so much pain, depression, the mind can't take it so it kind off turn off to not feel the pain, so you end up feeling nothing, numbed.