Irritated all of the time.

Rachel • Without sadness you wouldn't know what it means to be happy.
Ever since i can remember I've always been a person that is irritated very easily. The sound of someone eating would drive me mad, biting their nails, breathing heavily or snoring (you get the picture) Although I know that these people were normal and did normal things it would sound in my head really loud, base turned up and the volume turned to max and it would end in me becoming that irritated and angry that I'd sob out crying, then I'd become irritated with myself because I know these people can't help it and that I'm just being an arse. Anyhow, my boyfriend and grandparents (3 people I spend majority of my time with) absolutely drive me sodding insane. I'm forever telling my partner off although I know he can't help it. He doesn't leave food to cool down so will make a sucking sound of its too hot. He zones into a tv programme that much that when I talk all I get is a 'huh'. His snoring his hideous, we're having to sleep apart because I just end up lying there In floods of tears because it winds me up then I wind myself up more. I suffer from severe anxiety and depression. I've tried meditation, breathing exercises but I'm just so highly strung that I can't let go of these noises that make me so angry. Can anyone else relate?