Not in love anymore

So this is a long story. I am 28w pregnant and I feel like I don't love my SO anymore. I feel like since I have become pregnant I can't be around him I don't want him to touch me talk to me nothing. I feel so upset we were so close before becoming pregnant and I feel like it has destroyed us. He annoys me beyond words. I want to go out without him and he makes me feel guilty he thinks we have to do EVERYTHING together. I am scared this isn't just a phase. We got engaged last August 2015 and I don't feel like I want to marry him. Has anyone been through this? I know it's a terrible rant but I am seriously so lost in my life right now. I have been dealing with anxiety this whole pregnancy and I am wondering if I am just moody because I am so anxious all the time and he's adding to it.  Would you stay or break it off 
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I would stay. You said yes to marrying him and that involves the commitment of hanging in there when things get tough. Pregnancy also involves huge hormonal swings that will bring out the worst in both of you sometimes. If nothing else is wrong in the relationship I would talk it out and work through your issues. You will need his support once the baby comes. Good luck ❤️


Posted at
This is my third pregnancy and there is always one or two people that I like before and after my pregnancy but during I can't seem to stand them. Its an overwhelming annoyance everytime they talk or I hear their name. It has been different people each time. Try to work through it. It is most likely a hormonal thing. Most likely these overwhelming feelings will diminish after birth and you will just love everyone. At least that's how things were for me. Hang in there and talk with SO about it.


Jessica • Mar 20, 2016
Omg this couldn't be more close to how I feel!! This is my second pregnancy and I'm going through the same thing!


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My sister and law had some serious hateful hormones that came out in all her pregnancies but my brother stuck through it and they have been married like 14 years or something now... hormones can make you feel that way so when you've done all you can to stand then stand some more.... never make choices like that under the influence of hormones. .. wait til after at least 6 months or more after the baby... you may be surprised.


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As sweet as my husband is every time he sit and talk to me or even ask for a kiss or want sex or want to cuddle and watch a movie I get mad or disgusted with him... Its just the baby because I know these are things we love to do together.. That's how we got in this situation for the third time.. Stick it out and see if your feelings change after the baby.. Trust that its not easy but if he didn't do anything wrong its just your hormones.


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Stay. I feel you in the no touching getting far away from him. It's your pregnancy I am the same way. I felt horrible but the feeling will go away once the baby is born. Try to communicate with him as much as possible figure out what he can or can't do so it won't stress you out.


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Sorry I disagree with the others. I think you should wait to see how your feelings change after the baby comes, it COULD be just the pregnancy. But if your still unhappy you should not raise your child in that environment. Good luck