Not in love anymore

So this is a long story. I am 28w pregnant and I feel like I don't love my SO anymore. I feel like since I have become pregnant I can't be around him I don't want him to touch me talk to me nothing. I feel so upset we were so close before becoming pregnant and I feel like it has destroyed us. He annoys me beyond words. I want to go out without him and he makes me feel guilty he thinks we have to do EVERYTHING together. I am scared this isn't just a phase. We got engaged last August 2015 and I don't feel like I want to marry him. Has anyone been through this? I know it's a terrible rant but I am seriously so lost in my life right now. I have been dealing with anxiety this whole pregnancy and I am wondering if I am just moody because I am so anxious all the time and he's adding to it.  Would you stay or break it off