
Does anyone else just feel uncomfortable in their skin? I'm almost 29 weeks and I am so uncomfortable. Like my skin is crawling and it's making me so anxious. 
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YES. Don't get me wrong, I'm blessed that I have carry this miracle inside me but I wanna fast forward to June😭 


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I'll be 28 weeks on Tuesday. This morning I was sitting in the kitchen and I must have had a bad look on my face because my husband asked if I needed anything. I said "yeah, I need to give birth" and promptly started to cry. I'm just so uncomfortable even just sitting and I'm so over being pregnant most days lol June is taking forever :(


Nicole • Mar 20, 2016
My boyfriend asked me today what he could do for me and I told him that he could get him out of me. Other than that nothing will work.


Posted at
I feel the same way!! 😒


Jessica • Mar 20, 2016
I know exactly how you feel. It is usually worse in the evening for me and makes me so irritable!


Nicole • Mar 20, 2016
I need it to go away. I feel like my blood pressure is going up by the minute. I may just have a panic attack. I can't find anything that helps.