Should i be concerned?

SO left his phone at home this morning open on the bathroom counter. My curiousity got the best of me and i read his texts. He texted a girl asking if she worked today. She replied "how are you gorgeous" and then a second text "have i ever had you over to my house?" He replied simply "no i have never been". Do you think i should be concerned? Or am i over thinking this? Im 7 months pregnant. Good news is he hasnt been over there, but her calling him gorgeous and the house thing??😶 should i say anything about it to him??  i am trying not to freak but it is ruining my day. I almost want to text her and ask if there is a reason shes said that. 
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I would've text back, why would I want to come to your house? Just be honest, say honey I saw your phone the other day and I noticed soandso called you gorgeous and invited you to her house. I didn't mean to be Snoopy but could you please make her aware that you are married and her advances are inappropriate.


Posted at
Maybe? It could be innocent. With guys sometimes advances go right over their head. Or maybe she is newfie and calls everyone gorgeous. Maybe she's a co-worker and they were talking about getting together as a couple. Like I mean the both of you coming over and maybe she had a so too? I'm not saying it's nothing. I'm just saying all these women are saying it's the worst scenario but for all you know it could be a dinner invite


Crickett★★★ • Mar 21, 2016
If it wasn't you at 4am it could be only one other person. He knew instantly I was talking about my best friend's child's father lol and was 100% fine with it. I've known the guy since high school and we text a lot but it's just strictly friends. Drunken memes at 4am are not a surprise.


Crickett★★★ • Mar 21, 2016
My phone went off at 4am the other night. It was a delayed text from my SO. He had already made it home in bed with me so naturally we were both like, "Who the heck is texting at 4am?" He made a joke about how he had to peak at my phone because he thought I had some, "splaining" to do. I said, "Well


Crickett★★★ • Mar 21, 2016
I agree. And I've been on all sides of that scenario. It's better just to open cause you never know. My SO is great and oblivious to people flirting with him. My ex was inappropriate and sneaky. And personally, I've also been both ways myself in the past and I have some friends I just talk like that


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Yes say something or the "have I ever had you over to my house" will turn into "I can wait to have you over again"!!!! Talk to him!!


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All these crazy women freaking out about nothing. 


Garcia❤️🌱 • Mar 20, 2016


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I think it would have been wise to not snoop through his phone. However the deed is done now. I don't think he's said anything inappropriate but clearly this is going to bug you until it's cleared up.Just be open and honest with him. Tell him what you did and what you saw. Ask him about the texts. Get the clarification you need and apologize profusely (and be sincere) for looking through his phone.


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If I read that on my husbands phone I would be very concerned. I would not talk to him and wait til he asks why and be like "do you wanna tell me something?" Or "is there anything you should explain to me?" If he says he doesn't understand or "no" I would keep being quiet until he says it. Or by the end of the day I would ask him for his phone and show him his texts


Crickett★★★ • Mar 21, 2016
Also sometimes men are just clueless when it comes to how we would feel about a situation.


Garcia❤️🌱 • Mar 20, 2016
Do you wanna tell me something..... " yea babe, a girl called me gorgeous today... I'm sorry " 😂


Posted at
 I've messaged guys about work sometimes and they think that means they can just openly start flirting and trying to get at me because I messaged them 😒 Don't accuse him of anything tho, he didn't respond to the "hey gorgeous" comment, and most likely just wanted to know if she was working or not. If it really is bothering you just admit you snooped and just ask what's up with this girl. 


Posted at
Nothing he said was inappropriate at all, she maybe should not have called him gorgeous, but I call men honey and baby all the time. That's why you shouldn't go snooping through other people's phones.


Grace • Mar 20, 2016
I have boundaries Shirley, I just happen to refer to people as baby or honey. And have no worries, i would never text you husband for any reason what so ever.


Shirley • Mar 20, 2016
Don't call my husband honey or baby and definitely do not text him that. It's inappropriate and you think it's cute because you have bad boundaries.


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Don't freak out just bring it up and talk it out


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I, personally, would be like wtf is this. But would bring it up very calmly to him. Could be nothing, could be something. Jumping t conclusions would just make the situation worse. Have a sit-down and figure it out.