
Hey ladies ,

So I just want to vent and get some feedback if that's alright . So one day me , my sisters and my mom are all sitting at my sisters house and we get on the subject of family . The question was "who do you think will be next to start their family" everyone guessed me , but then again everyone has been saying that for the last few years but guess what , it was actually my 14 year old niece then my older sister. So now that would make me last. Anyhow , my sister who is currently expecting had been TTC for 3 years . I'm not sure if it was 3 consistant years for after being off depo for 3 years she finally conceived. She had been on depo since she was about 16 and now she's 22 going on 23 so she's been off since she was 20. I've also been on depo since I was 16 and have been off for a little over a year. Im hoping it won't take me 3 years to conceive . Have any of you ladies experienced this?