Dread locks

Not sure where to post this but my husband wants me to get dreads and idk how to feel about it lol I am afraid of hating them and how do you even get rid of them? Has anyone had dreads before? Any advice? 
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Don't get them because your husband wants you to. Get them if YOU want them.


❤❤❤ • Mar 20, 2016
Well I kinda suggested it just to see what he would say and he loved the idea and now he's really excited about it lol


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Get the fake ones just to see if you like it first


❤❤❤ • Mar 20, 2016
I just saw a YouTube video on how to do temporary ones maybe I'll try that first


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I hate natural dreads a couple years ago. I loved them. I only had to cut one out. The rest took forever to comb out with a lot of conditioner and oils. 


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I just don't see the appeal. Plenty of other styles that are in the same wheel house without having them.It's a huge commitment only do it if you truly want to do it.


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I had fake yarn dreads... I'd say if you don't really know if you want them you can get those bc you can remove them whenever


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I had them and eventually got tired of them, ended up having to cut off all my hair. I wasn't bald since they didn't lock all the way to the root, but my hair was short enough that I felt bald. The texture of your hair is also a big factor, if you have to back comb your hair to make the texture suitable to loc then you shouldn't be getting them. If dreads can't be formed by a two strand twist and a palm roll it's not a good idea to be getting them. Back combing and methods like that cause mold in the hair. 


Jennel • Mar 20, 2016
Dreads are a really really big commitment.