They are finally home!

My boys were born on the 9th of January... at least 10 weeks prematurely. My wife and I were so excited to be adding to our family, and even more excited to have twin boys! 
They were a little anxious, and decided to come early. I have always read about NICU stays and thought, "that won't be us," well... it was us, and I cannot tell you enough to describe the peaks and valleys that you encounter while having a baby or babies in the NICU. 
We were lucky enough to be in the INOVA NICU in Fairfax, VA. Besides the peaks and valleys mentioned before, it is a time of my life that I will never forget, and a time of my life that nothing could have prepared me for. 
NOTHING, compares to the experience of a NICU stay, let alone a lengthy one. I've been to Iraq two times with the Marine Corps, but it pales in comparison to the fear you face as a NICU parent. 
Just remember, that there are people in the NICU who care and love your child as much as anyone not considered a parent. Your child(ren) will come home, just have a positive attitude, and your babies will thrive. 
My boys came home and surprised my mom on her 60th birthday, the greatest gift a grandmother could ever receive. :)