Amelia is here :)

Amelia was born on 3/19 at 41+3. I was induced with gel and started getting contractions within 2 minutes. Was in labor for 7 hours before getting an epidural. Labored for 15 hours total and pushed for 4 hours. My contractions slowed when I got to 10 cm so I needed a small dose of pitocin to get things going. Not sure what happened but my epidural stopped working towards the end and I felt everything for the last couple hours of pushing. It was extremely difficult going from feeling nothing to all of a sudden having to push and feel her crown and it definitely was not pleasant. Even though I feel a little traumatized from her birth, Amelia is here at 6lbs 12oz and she is perfect! We are just hanging low today at the hospital working on breast feeding and bonding with my little girl. I am a first time mom and oh my goodness I didn't think I could love something so much 💕