I see an absurd amount of "My period is late. Am I pregnant?" posts on <a href="">Eve</a>, so I'm going to break down some of the fundamental logistics of sex, pre-cum, and pregnancy for those of you who do not feel that you are well-informed.
Please do yourself, your partner, and the rest of the <a href="">Eve</a>. / Glow community a favor and use a condom. Your chances of becoming pregnant or catching any sexually transmitted diseases are SIGNIFICANTLY decreased as a result. However, if the idea of using that form of protection doesn't appeal to you for any reason, (I.E. "Sex doesn't feel as good to either of us while a condom is in the mix.", "Neither my partner nor myself has any STDs * ."), then let's move on to the next form of contraception - you guessed it, the big 'B.C.' * .. BIRTH-CONTROL! It comes in many colors, forms, packages, shapes, and sizes - so do some research on all of them, narrow your options down, and then choose wisely, Ladies. (Although birth-control will prevent pregnancy, it WILL NOT protect you from STDs, so PLEASE be careful if you choose to go rubber free.)
Yes, you read that correctly. But I'll spell it out for you again; pre-cum CAN get you pregnant! Unbelievable, right? So let's say that your man gets frisky and just can't wait to see you to release his "tension", or has an issue with his sexual stamina and likes to "practice" a bit beforehand so that he can last longer for you.. Well, the sperm can stick around inside of his urethra, (The opening of the penis.), and transfer into your body using pre-cum as it's trusty vehicular device. Now, before I get any feisty comments like, "THAT DOESN'T ALWAYS HAPPEN! BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!" I will insert my disclaimer now by saying that the comment mentioned above is absolutely true, it does not always happen.. But the point remains. It is possible, and is that really a risk that you would like to take if you aren't ready for an abortion / child?
And last but most certainly not least -
3. PREGNANCY; DON'T LET IT HAPPEN TO YOU (Unless you're TTC *, of course.) :
If you think that there is a possibility that ANY of his little guys made it in your sacred V *, then I would advise running, (Not walking.), to your local drug-store and purchasing a little life saver called 'Plan B'. (Although I'm sure that there are other names for it, as well.) Plan B is an emergency contraceptive that can prevent pregnancy after cum has inserted your body. It is not 100% effective, but it's most likely your best bet if you're in this kind of a bind.
Now I'm going to end this post by saying if you keep these three things in mind, (And put them into play, of course.), then your chances of unintentional pregnancy are slim to none. If your period comes late, you read this post, and you did not practice safe sex, then first : I don't feel bad for you. (Which is totally a lie because I will always sympathize those going through any sort of scare.), and two : Stress delays your period, so it is still very possible that you are not pregnant. Wait a FULL month, (If you can help it.), and then take at least TWO over the counter pregnancy tests. (I say "at least two" because then you can compare your results to ensure that you didn't get a false negative or positive - however, I personally prefer blood pregnancy tests because they tend to be more accurate.)
So, safe sexin', y'all! I hope to see less pregnancy scare posts. (Although I doubt that I shall be so lucky.)
* STD : Sexually Transmitted Disease
B.C. : In this context, it is birth control. (NOT 'Before Christ'.)
TTC : Trying to conceive.
V : Vagina *