Period or Implantation

Okay, so I'm really confused right now. 
To start off I'm 20 and my husband is also 20. We've been trying to convince for a few months now but used zero protection for two years prior. Not even withdrawal method. 
My period has been pretty regular the last year and a half since I've started working out a little more. This month, I got my "cycle" a week early. The day before the bleeding started I was severely nauseated and it hasn't lightened up but has only gotten worse. I'm on day two of the bleeding. I usually get nausea fr the first day of my cycle. Never a day before and no longer than he first day. I know several people that got their "cycles" for months before finding out they were about three months along. I took a test last month and it was negative. The bleeding looks like a normal cycle but could it be implantation. I've read everywhere that implantation is pretty common but it's stays light. While I was hunched over the toilet, I asked my husband to go get me tests and he wouldn't. 
Should I test or no?