TWW and I feel awful

Catherine • 33- have a beautiful 6 yo DD and so excited that she is going to be a big sister in December 2016!
I'm only only 1-2 DPO, but I'm cramping and nauseous. It's WAAAAYYYY too early for implantation, so I'm reaching out to see if anyone else has experienced this. I'm on CD 16, 1-2 DPO, cycle 2 after 6 years on BC after my first child. I had standard ovulation cramping, but since this morning, I've had cramping on the other side and lower, and can't shake the feeling of being on the cusp of spewing all over the place. 
I'm willing to go to the doctor if anyone hears something in there that sounds concerning (and I will definitely go if it doesn't stop in the next two days)- but what the hell, body?