Ladies pleeese read

My fiance almost broke up with me yesterday. We live 3 hrs away from eachother. He lives where we both grew up. So i came back to visit my aunt because she was sick. While i was there my mom or sister spreaded a couple of rumors about him and had my family almost ready to fight him. He was aware of that and had a meltdown as to where he almost left me. This weekend was his breaking point he Chose not to see me . I seen him for a couple of hours to talk and that was it.Me and him had been dealing with this for years. I do believe misery loves company  aand my family is miserable. But my fiance is from a very spiritual family and believes all of them have personal  demons. I believe that as well . their demons had completely took a hold of them as to where i dont know  who my mom is anymore  for those who don't know what i mean, personal demons are basically things people have to fix within them selves. in my familys case they have had alot of personal expierences that has happened to them that they didn't deal with and instead of dealin with them they destroy everyones else's happiness because they arent happy themselves. My mom hold. The most demons and now that im takin contol of my life she dosent like that now that im happy she dosent like that. And now she talks ba about  me tells my family lies about my fiance and she talks about him and when i defend him she puts me down she stirs up confusion in his house and mine and then blames me and talks bad about me to his mother. She talks about his famils as welll and my fiance reached his breaking point and left me because of it. Im a good person im not like my family but it breaks my heart because they are out to destroy me and my relationship my sis and mom as well she betrayed me.  My sis askked me how my fiances how was growin up. I wasn't supposed to disclose that info to her or anybody but by being cornered by her and my mom i played it safe by not disclosing any major details i jus told told them " it was just like ours u know dad yeling at mom " now ,my fiance mom had already talked to my mom prior to that. They were getting to know eachother as his mom shared the details about what happened and my mom shrared the details about what happened in out home.My mother went to tell my sister the details . After the confrontation My sister then said "you have to tell him you told me and mom what happened because moms going to use that against him" which was a lie but shorty after me and my fiance had a date and we enjoyed our date afterbhe got home he called me and went off he said "your sister sat in my moms face and told her everything i told you not to tell" and i told him not i didnt tell her what you told me not to tell .my mom and sister did that because they knew it would make him upset and that day he almost left me. Thats is just a example of the twisted shit ive had to endure and ladies i just want to be happy me and him hasnt didnt anything wrong to anybody if i lose him because of my family twisted asses i dont think i could ever date again ive been crying alll day ...ladies what do you think about the situation?