Self conscious and Single af

TJ • 23. Bi. Gamer. Just trackin the ol’ Flo.
I'm 18. I'm a 3/4x in shirts and a 4x in pants. I've literally always thought that because I was bigger is why I've never had a boyfriend(or girlfriend(cause I'm bi)). And then I'll get messages from guys telling me I'm sexy and as much as I'd like to believe them, it's different when it's the first thing you say and not something you say after getting to know that person.😒😒 Like if we talk for 3 months and you're feeling me, then lemme know, but don't come at me after talking for five minutes like "Babe, you're so beautiful. Ohmygod you're stunning"
Anyway. Hi. I'm TJ. 😂😂🙋🏽✌🏼️👍🏼