Need some advice please!!!

Taylor • Hi my names Taylor and my husbands name is Kyle, we’ve been together 12 years now and married 5 years this July. I want to be a mom more than anything. We've been ttc for 9 years now. I have PCOS and endometriosis. I'm a pretty easy person to get along wi
OK so glow says I was supposed to start on the 16th and it hasn't shown. I am now 4 days late and I will have occasional dull cramping in my lower abdominal area and sharp pains in my sides. Andevery time I feeas if af will show she doesn't. I have been very bloated lately and very tired. I checked my cervix and it was high, I believe closed, and in between soft and firm. Just the other day it was really high, closed and really soft. My cm is kind of creamy/lotiony and it varies between light and medium. I have been tired alot more lately even though I sleep at least 8 hours. I've had a few mild head aches that usually only last a little while. I'm just really confused and don't know what to think. One day I feel like yeah I'm definitely pregnant and other days I don't. I just don't wana buy another test and it be negative and af show. My periods have also been late before but I've been having different symptoms than what I usually have, but that could all just be in my head. It's just really disappointing!! Give your honest opinions please and thank you!!! Baby dust to everyone!!!😊🎇👶