Intercourse is Painful! Need Advice!!

(Sorry this is long)

I have an issue. 😕

I'm a 23 year old cis-woman and I have only ever had intercourse three times in my life with three different guys that I was in a relationship with (at different times). And every time it hurt a lot & the guy wasn't able to get his whole penis in. Either just the tip got in me or he wasn't able to get any of it in at all! 😕 I'm currently in a relationship with an awesome guy but we only tried once and it was REALLY painful!! 😧 He said it was like banging against a wall. I have been to a doctor and gotten a PAP test done. The doctor said my vagina looks healthy and it looks average size. Also, I have a vibrator shaped as a dildo and when I masturbate I tried to practice putting up my vagina but it's really uncomfortable. 😟

So I was just wondering what should I do?!?!?!😕 I'm just at a lost at the moment.

P.S. - My boyfriend is great about it but... I can tell he's having a hard time with it too. 😕

P.P.S. - Also, I have only started being sexually active in last two years. My first time was painful and I understand that's normal but every time after that?! 😯

Thanks for reading and I hope you can give me some advice. 😊❤