
Ok,so I'm at work today and I can't seem to shake the feeling of worrying about loosing my baby... I'm 6 weeks tomorrow,I've had the occasional cramping,hardly anything to worry about! No bleeding,nothing like that! I just can't shake it! I've tested a few times now and everything is coming back positive! I don't have the Drs for another 3 weeks,I don't want to miss a single thing go wrong. 
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Quit testing. You ARE pregnant. Google the hook effect, it's basically when your hormones are so high that the test can't detect it any more & you'll start getting false negatives. Then you'll really freak


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Im 9.5 weeks and still run to check for blood everytime there is wetness down there. Its normal to worry.


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I was the same exact way in my first trimester. You'll be fine. Just try not Google your symptoms too much.


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Don't worry it's natural to think like that! Your hormones are everywhere, just make sure you eat good and try not to stress and most importantly make sure you take your prenatal vitamins everyday❣


Susie • Mar 21, 2016
Thank you,I'm doing all this,I just feel so silly for worrying! I shouldn't be thinking that about my baby I just wanna make sure he's safe as soon as possible xx


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May be round ligament pain or uterus stretching