I know I'm early 😫😫

Tanae • 27 year old ,graduate with a bachelors of science in nursing,3 year relationship, TTC baby #1
Yes I'm too early I'm only 7DPO but couldn't help my self. I this a BFN or is there a vvvvvfl and maybe the start of a BFP?
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There's a line hunni! Congrats!!

❤ Sarah ❤ • Mar 21, 2016
I tweaked it :) there's an app, search pregnancy test checker in the App Store and it'll show up. Congrats sweetie, h&h; 9 months ❤️


Tanae • Mar 21, 2016
I see it how did you make it darker ?


Posted at
Thanks Hun😬 I'm praying for us send me a picture of yours so that I can tweak !


Posted at
I see a vvvfl... I took over this morning and I think I'm 7 0r 8 days dpo and I think I got a faint positive so there's hope :) keep testing