Communication with my parents

I'm 15 and I've been with my boyfriend since last January. He's the first guy I've done anything with and we started being sexually active a few weeks after we got together.

My sister got pregnant when she was 17 and had her baby October of 2014. I know my parents are worried about me and want to keep me from getting pregnant as well, but we use protection all the time.

I feel guilty about keeping this from them, but I know they'll get mad. I don't know how to approach the subject. I want a little more privacy when my boyfriend comes over.

Any advice?

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Posted at
A little more privacy when your boyfriend comes over? Ha! I could not even go on my first date until I was 16 let alone even think about having a boyfriend come over.


Christina • Mar 21, 2016
I was not judging. I was just speaking on my experience at that age.


Samantha • Mar 21, 2016
I'm sorry I thought this was an app where people can post questions without being judged?


tiffany • Mar 21, 2016
same! and I still can't have my boyfriend over 😭


Posted at
You want more privacy so you can have sex?  You are only 15! For goodness sakes! What has gotten into this generation.. If I were your parents I wouldn't give you any privacy! Especially at 15. 


🌹 Shana 🌹 • Mar 22, 2016


🌹 Shana 🌹 • Mar 22, 2016
Chelsey- omg you're on the same page as me!


🌹 Shana 🌹 • Mar 22, 2016
King- well if you put a question out of course people are going to give there honest answers. This is mine. Sorry not sorry.


Posted at
i really hate how people older than you (and me) have commented mocking you 'wanting more privacy' because they havent helped atall😂 i would just try and approach the subject in a way that shows them that you understand their point of view, for example saying 'i know you are worried about me getting pregnant, and thats why i want to talk to you about it, so we can prevent it' or something like that?hope that helped :) 


Posted at
Your 15.. I had to sit in the livingroom the first couple times my bf came over.. Then we couldnt even lay on my bed or floor (still cant) now im not allowed at his house because they found out were sexually active (dating for a year and a half) .. But they did get me on birth control.. But in my opinion, if you keep your kids away from what they want to do, they end up sneaking around to do it anyways.. Your not guna get privacy theyll just laugh at your face. Just because your soster got pregnant at 17 doesnt mean you have to be following her footsteps.. Id suggest some birth control and talk with your parents 


Posted at
My advice for you would to be open with your parents. If you show that you can trust them by being open with them you might get what you're wanting in the end. Honestly, don't be surprised if they aren't very supportive at first. Like you said, your sister got pregnant at 17 so of course they're going to worry about you with your boyfriend. And you need to respect their decision. It is THEIR house and THEIR rules. If they don't think that you having "alone time" (especially for sex) under THEIR roof then you need to respect that decision. 


Posted at
Just be honest with them Tell them how well he treats you and that you're trying to follow your heart but you're also being safe


Posted at
Protection doesn't matter. You're 15. That still leaves two whole years for something to go wrong where you'd end up pregnant. Surely you're smarter than that.