Confused 😩

So my AF was 2 days late then lightly bled (pinkish reddish and watery) for 2.5 days and now I'm feeling as though not everything came out. Like full/bloated, nauseated at times, I can smell my mascara and everything super strongly, my boobs feel full and sore and congested and I have a ton of CM (clear mostly, but some white and lotiony but way way more than usual for this time of my cycle - like I stand up and I can feel it coming out of me). I took a FRER test (not good conditions - 15 minute hold, barely got any pee on the stick, etc) but a light looking line showed up within the timeframe so I tested again in the morning (cheap blue dye test) using FMU and nothing. It took forever for the tests control line to show up and so I think it was faulty? 
I guess my question is this - should I test again or am I holding my hopes for nothing? Also, has anyone experienced something like this? 
Here's a picture of the FRER test...
And here's my edit...